May 9, 2024.
This week a realtor reached out to Debra Morrison to verify whether Greg Morrison was trying to sell a property on Burney Road. The realtor had become suspicious because of some of the information he had received from the seller who claimed to be Greg Morrison. This is not the first time that fraudulent sales of properties on American Beach have been attempted. In the November 2023 General Meeting another ABPOA member shared that a transaction she was involved with was stopped within hours of it being sold by a fraudulent owner. Once the deposit has been paid, the fraudulent seller disappears as does the money.
American Beach is now viewed as a hot commodity and so we are unfortunately likely to experience an increase in these scams!
If you haven't done so already, the ABPOA, Inc. strongly suggests that you sign up for a property fraud alert with the Nassau County Clerk.

Use the following links for find out more and to register:
Property owners be vigilant.
Protect your property. Register for fraud alerts. It takes 30 seconds.